Extensions and Resubmissions


On this page, a meaningful attempt is defined as code that passes some but not all of the automated tests. Specifically, I will count submissions by the initial due date as meaningful attempts if they pass at least one of the automated tests. This test cannot be the linter check and must be a test that is not passed on the starter code.

You are allowed two 24-hour extensions on the initial due date on the practicals and assignments at your discretion. Only one extension per assignment is permitted.

Extensions will be given automatically through late due dates on the assignments on gradescope. If you do not pass any automated tests before the initial due date and make a submission during the 24 hours after the late due date, that will count as using one of your extensions. If you have already submitted and want to test your code using the autograder again, that will not count as using one of your extensions.

Make sure that you keep track of the number of extensions that you have used, and do not exceed the limit of two extensions. If all of your extensions have been used up before the due date, the late due date option will not appear on gradescope. However, this is handled manually, so if you have one extension and there are two assignments due on the same day, you will be permitted by gradescope to submit both assignments late. If this happens, I will send you an email and you will have to decide which of those submissions you want to count, so don’t do this!



Practicals are graded exclusively using automated tests. I will extend the due date for any student who has made a meaningful attempt (but has not yet gotten full credit) as soon as possible after the initial deadline. Extending the deadline is a manual process, which will typically be completed the business day after the deadline or the day that your meaningful attempt was submitted (whichever is later). If your meaningful attempt is submitted on a Friday, you should not plan on having access to the autograder over the weekend.

Programming Assignments

Programming assignments are graded based on both automated tests and feedback from graders. To ensure that graders are evaluating a static assignment (rather than something you are actively resubmitting), you will not be able to submit to gradescope while the assignment is being graded. After the initial submission is graded, the due date will be extended for any student who has made a meaningful attempt by the initial deadline.

Please email me when you are ready to have your resubmission graded; otherwise, I have no way of knowing that it is a complete submission that is ready for feedback.

© Laura Biester, Michael Linderman, and Christopher Andrews 2019-2024.